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Change of study plan

Martedì, 11 Febbraio 2020

To request changes to the study plan, you must be regularly enrolled in the 2019/2020 academic year.

From 2 to 20 March, requests for study plan changes can be sent to didattica.sem@unisi.it to:

- replace previously chosen courses (for the second semester courses chosen as replacements the exams can be taken only at the end of the lessons, i.e. in the summer session).

- replace activities not related to semesters, such as internships and the activities of the Santa Chiara Lab.


The changes requested must relate to the last year of the course; only exceptionally, upon adequate motivation, requests for changes concerning previous course years can be accepted.

N.B. Requests for changes must be sent by email exclusively from the address assigned to the student by the University to didattica.sem@unisi.it .


Any incomplete requests or requests sent from other email addresses will be ignored.