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Teaching quality assurance


The School’s Teacher-Student Joint Commission (CPDS) deals with monitoring its educational offerings and quality of teaching, in part through the definition and assessment of opportune indicators, in line with ANVUR indicators, aimed at measuring the degree to which teaching objectives are reached.


Each QA management group, which includes the President of the educational committee and teacher and student representatives from the Board, is responsible for compiling an Annual monitoring sheet and the periodic Rapporto di riesame.


Educational Committees are joint groups made up of teachers and students, normally created for each three-year and masters degree course, and are responsible for the re-design, management, reassessment an improvement of the courses.


The Scheda Unica Annuale (SUA-CDS) is an administrative tool for the planning, realization, self-assessment and re-design of courses of study.

The Riesame is a periodic, planned part of a process of internal assessment of a course of study, for the purpose of verifying the appropriateness of the educational objectives proposed by the course, the correspondence between said objectives and effective results and the efficacy of the course’s management and administration, and includes the search for the root causes of any unsatisfactory results. The main aim of the Riesame is to adopt specific corrective interventions to improve the course of study and/or its management system.

The self-assessment of a course of study is concretized in two documents which, although having the same aim, stem from different analytical perspectives:


1.Scheda di Monitoraggio annuale (SMA), which, since 2017, has replaced the Rapporto di Riesame. The Scheda di Monitoraggio annuale is drawn up based on the model set forth by ANVUR and contained in the attachment to the AVA guidelines (May 5, 2017), which presents indicators regarding students’ academic careers and other monitored quantitative measures, on which the CPDS must provide a concise annual comment.

2. Rapporto di Riesame ciclico A review report for the entire educational program (the time period of which comprises the entire academic career of a cohort of students) and is based on pertinent QA Requirements (R3), with considered indication of problems and proposed solutions to be carried forth in the following cycle.

Offerta formativa della Scuola degli ultimi tre anni accademici