In cases in which students do not pass the main part of the test, they are assigned additional educational requirements (OFA), specifically required attendance of lessons of the preparatory Mathematics course as well as lessons and exercises for the teaching of General Mathematics.
These OFAs are also assigned to students who do not take the TOLC-E test or another test considered equivalent.
OFAs regarding the Economics part of the test are considered absolved in the following cases (alternatives):
• student passes the Economics part of the test in a successive TOLC-E test scheduled in the same academic year or successive academic years;
• student obtains a positive evaluation on the final test of the preparatory Mathematics course;
• student obtains an at least sufficient mark on the mid-term test of General Mathematics, held in November;
• student passes the General Mathematics exam.
OFAs must obligatorily be absolved or fulfilled during the first year of the student’s course of study. Fulfilment of OFAs is a pre-requisite for registration for second-year exams.
The section of the test regarding English language does not lead to the assignment of OFAs, but gives an indication of the level for successive study and proficiency tests in English, as per indications provided by the University Language Centre (CLA) published at, in the Test and Course Registration sections.